martes, 16 de marzo de 2010

I love trees. I find them so perfect and loving creatures. They give shelter and food to birds, squirrels and bugs, even to us. They do not have to destroy something to produce their own food. There is a small little story I have dreamed for you.

Once upon a time (every good story has to start with this phrase), all the trees in the world were able to walk. They moved around to find the places with the best weather, the most water and the nicer views. Trees just need water, sunshine and some soil to rest their roots, to produce their food, how cool is that?

So every time when winter came back , the trees just said good bye to their friends, and with huge steps directed themselves to find a new temporary home. Some birds were so much used to their own friend trees, that migrated along with them. But many other little creatures stayed behind, waiting anxiously for their tree to come back to give them shelter , food, sang some songs with the wind and share their oxigen with all.

But it was not long before the trees, with their big loving hearts decided they could not stand separations for so long. They missed their friends and did not like to make them sad every time they said good bye.

So one day, the trees dedided to stay in the same place, no matter how cold or hot or dry the weather could be. They preferred to endure small places, and rocky soils, cold winds and even to see their loved leaves dry and fell, for the lack of sunshine, instead of leaving behind them their little animal friends. And because of that desition trees lost their ability to move around.

The sad part is that when mne came to the Earth (they were created later) they did not know the language of the trees. Men did not know how big their hearts are and how loving the trees are. They ignored that long ago, trees were able to move and travel and decided to stayed with their love ones.

And for that reason, for ignorance of all the benefits of trees, men keep on cutting them, to make space for the cattle, or to grow some other food or to built towns and cities. But trees never get angry with men. It is just sad for them that there are less and less trees for the birds and the squirrels and bugs to have a home.

And all this is because men is always in a hurry, they can not wait for the next enterprise, they do not have time lo listen to the wisper of the trees when they talk with the wind.

So I pray to the Lord that you may have open ears and a gentle heart to listen and to love people and trees around you.

jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010

The turtle awakes

The air was soft and warm. After long months hibernating, the little turtle awake and gave a complete round to the small patio it shares with another female turtle and an orange tree and another pomegranate tree. I was so happy, tought the winter finally have come to and end. But after just a round, the little beast went back to his burrow, in spite of the sun and soft breezze. Late that night, the weather channel confirmed, that the good weather will be gone very soon and the thermometer will go down again. How wise animals can be!!

martes, 9 de marzo de 2010

Daily wonders

Dedicated to my grandchild and made possible by my own children who taught me how to see and because God made a new person of me long ago and gave me new eyes.

I did not see, I was always in a hurry, with work, house chores and personal problems. But when my son Natal was born, as soon as he was able to walk, we went to the sandy paths of El Mezquite in San Luis Potosí and found wonders everywere. It could be an ant nest, or a round pebble. Or a dead dragonfly still with glowing and perfect wings. We stopped and looked in wonder and amazement.

Today I remebered and started again to look around for the wonders around me, to share them with you as the time for your arrival comes and maybe some day we can look together for more amazing different wonders.

Because God gives us every day different gifts and all we have to do is to open our eyes and look with our hearts